Cunning Nowhere

In the south of China, I have learned to speak the Hokkien dialect. As I am a red(well, pale yellow)-haired barbarian, I cannot adequately reproduce the sounds of a famous profanity. But I have taken it as my own. You need to use your imagination, my dear Hokkien friends. Guds hjælp, Folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke, Kynings havn.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I am happy I think for the old friends. They scored very well and it was maybe world class too I think. Over here where I am there is little news about the little place, but this time is the Internet and I found the news.

To Kapten Hokk and the Alchemist and Major Anonym, I am raising a cup of black black coffee and singing. Best we meet together again this year! Maybe you will go away from that hole of hell now and be paid more money as you are worth.



Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I think I am growing old. Now I am left of the place I worked for a few months almost a year or more, I am a bit sad really. True the Hokkien boss was not always nice but at least he was clever a little. I think mostly I am missing the students. They were quite clever too, often they are cleverer than the boss!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


You know, I am being honest with you. I have been so busy, so very busy. I cannot teach well and I cannot sleep well. So it is a good thing I am leaving soon. It is good for you all, and I thank you that you have been such good friends and colleagues and students. My adventure in this place is over.

But you will always always have a good place in my heart, and I hope that you will not too badly have thought of me. I am thankful to Kapten Hokk and Major Anonym and the Alchemist. They are the ones who are keeping me sane for many days here. When I am left from this place, always remember, my friends, "Guds hjælp, Folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke, Kynings havn!"

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I am happy to welcome new friend to our community but he is very shy. Here is my new friend. He has a school which is madhouse, and that has other friends in it, but he takes very professional seriousness about it and does not say anything bad about it. Good British sense, this man!

He can speak some Chinese and Malay but his Hokkien is not so good, so maybe he cannot be friends with the Man at his school. I am learning that the man the Hokkien boss never trusts Ang Moh, as he calls the Trans-Caucasian type of person he like to employ and control.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


OK, is, as Major Anonym says, a madhouse. Who is running the madhouse?

Let me say that I have many Hokkien friends. They tell me of a mythical character, the Hokkien Boss. At first, I think it is a bit like the pointy-eared boss in Dilbert, but then I learn it is more than that.

And the thing is that Hokkien Bosses all think they have integrity. But really, it is like China. The integrity is sometimes willingness to work with favour and partiality for those who are your close associates. It is about loyalty and family and the kind of 'dishonesty' you find in family-type societies like in Italy and China and Israel. Nowadays people call it unethical, but is is family. You cannot have ethical business which is also family business, because essence of family business is loyalty to some and less loyalty or different loyalty to others.

So is it fair to take many many dollars in public funds and use to run a family style business? This is the big question around Hokkien Bosses everywhere. Unless you like the Mafia can run family style business without direct use of public funds, it is unlikely to be considered ethical dealing.

It is clear that Hokkien Boss favours certain employees, will go on holiday with them, will drive them around. It is not so clear if it is business of good and trouble-free kind. Especially if is supposed to be institution of public character taking public funds.

I don't know, I like having a Hokkien Boss. It is closer family than many of us are frequently having in Danmark. But it is against hard-headed Nordic philosophy of being to have this kind of secret and unphilosophical bias in an educational place.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Is like a lightiness of being, this week. We are having much reduced population, with the Old Man and some old ladies (not all of the old ladies are ladies) all not here. It is comfortable to not have some people around. We can all work better now. I am slowly getting back into work, very happy that my friends recommended this school to me.

At first, I am thinking to myself, what an idiot I am. I am now working at madhouse, and inmates running citadel. But is not so true. Like true madhouse, inmates think they are running citadel, but actually not. That is good.

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Hello! I am back from land of the midnight sun and into the land of the midnight rain. I am not abandoning friends, you know. But having to change environment so frequently is not so good. The other day I got package from the Alchemist. He is a clever one, that man. I am confident he will do only what he wants to do and not more.

I am starting new blog. This one I am posting in now is all about work and my friends. I am going to start new different one about my personal life. It is at this spot. I have learnt many things here and I will write about them. Thank you!

Oh yes, happy new year! Godt nytår! (You pronounce a bit like 'Got Nude Whore'. Haha it's a joke only. But it is Dansk for 'happy new year'!)