Cunning Nowhere

In the south of China, I have learned to speak the Hokkien dialect. As I am a red(well, pale yellow)-haired barbarian, I cannot adequately reproduce the sounds of a famous profanity. But I have taken it as my own. You need to use your imagination, my dear Hokkien friends. Guds hjælp, Folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke, Kynings havn.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Hallo! I am back from an interesting break. I have left school on Friday after the Teachers' Day and I hopped on the bus northward. Along the way, many palm trees and I am told it is the secret fuel source of the area. I have never so many trees seen before, even in my little place in lower Ost-Asia.

But is the great thing to say, that I have had refreshments. It is like taking the bus along the long way, and you have stops to buy things and dispose of things and stretch long Danish legs. And each stop is refreshment, and add together the stops, you have refreshments. So now I am similarly used to Ost-Asia. I have a break, and a break, and a break, and even though the work is hard I am refreshed.

Sadly, not always is the refreshment enough. My friends at the big school are not having enough of it. They have too many things to do and not enough people treating of them like people. And the poor students are poor students; they are already weak in the studies and now have bigger burden of holiday homework and extra lessons. I would be crying for them, but I have already all my ice melted into water, and is not more left, but to be pragmatic and work for future.

I might be coming here permanently to be Ost-Asian. It depends much on my guidance, it is from other professionals; it is also from students, who need to know is another world out there and they are always important and not to be treated like royalty, but still with dignity of most gravity, because they are the future. We must make sure they are kept refreshed, else all will wilt and future will be a desert.


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